“Rowbothamism” is a term coined by Peter Markley, to help expose the revisionist history of flerfs and distinguish their cult denialism from the honest ignorance of people in ancient cultures. It is an alternate term for Zetetic Astronomy (see below).
Flerfs falsely identify their view with ancient cosmologies. In reality, when their cult began with Samuel Rowbotham in the 1800s, it was completely new and ideologically isolated due to its denial of sunset.
Because of this, flerfs have a collection of cult dogmas and bad-faith tactics that no ancient society had; additionally, religiflerfs use their own false definition of the term “Biblical cosmology” and spread this as misinformation.

Accounts seem to vary (even among UK English speakers) on whether the “TH” in “Rowbotham” is the dental fricative (like in “thin”), or a “T” sound with a silent H.
In a livestream discussion about this, at 2:01:35 Peter Markley and Michael Toon agreed to split the difference by:
- Peter using the “TH” sound like in “thin” and
- Michael using the “T” sound like in “bottom.”
History of the term[edit]
Date | Event | Link |
Jul 2019 | In his debut flat earth debunking video, Peter Markley explained the concept but did not yet use the term “Rowbothamism.” | YouTube clip |
Dec 2023 | Peter used the term once in a debate with Kaleb Davis. | YouTube recording |
June 2024 | Peter brought significant research to support the term as a main strategy in his MDD debut vs. Flatzoid. Flatzoid’s illogical response resulted in a meme. | YouTube live |
Ancient cosmologies[edit]

Contrary to Rowbotham's model, ancient cultures believed the sun left the inhabited world at night, usually by going underneath it. To them, daytime and nighttime were universal. No exceptions exist among world cultures whose cosmologies both survive and provide conclusive data.
Some highlights:
- Sumerian cosmology
This culture believed there is a tunnel under the earth called the “Road of the Sun.” There's a whole scene in the Epic of Gilgamesh, tablet 9, when Gilgamesh travels along this tunnel to the underworld.
- Egyptian cosmology
The Egyptian sun god Ra travels in a boat through the underworld every night, and is reborn in the east every morning. This nightly journey was central to Egyptian religious practices, and was described in great detail in the Book of Gates.
- Aztec cosmology
In Aztec belief, the earth goddess Tlaltecuhtli swallows the sun every evening and vomits it again in the morning.
- Hebrew cosmology
The Bible does not give any clues about where the sun goes at night, except the use of “rise” and “set” in Matthew 5:45 and Ephesians 4:26. For more detail most sources, including Michael Heiser, look instead to the Book of Enoch.
A 1909 Mormon source[1] summarized the evidence well:It was represented that in the eastern side or the face of the firmament there were six doors or portals through which the sun entered from chambers outside the vault, and that in the western side of the firmament there were also six portals. For thirty days the sun passed through the first portal and at evening, after traversing the sky, passed out through the corresponding opening in the west. At the end of the month the sun entered by the second portal; and so on until the sixth had been reached …
Rowbothamist Model[edit]

In his 1865 book Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe, Rowbotham wrote:
Although the Sun is at all times above and parallel to the Earth's surface, he appears to ascend the firmament from morning until noon, and to descend and sink below the horizon at evening. This arises from a simple and everywhere visible law of perspective.[2]

This was the birth of flerfspective: the butchered mess that flerfs make of linear perspective as one of their most defining cult dogmas. To this day, they use it to explain sunset, hull down ships, and a variety of other phenomena.
Rowbotham needed this on his model, which he called “Zetetic Astronomy,” because of time zones. To make a flat earth “work” in the modern world, Samuel Rowbotham had co-opted the azimuthal equidistant world map projection with the North Pole at the center. His sun supposedly traveled in circles overhead around the North Pole.

- ↑ Ralph V. Chamberin, White and Blue Vol XIII no. 11 Dec 24 1909, page 88
- ↑ Rowbotham, 1865 Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe Section 7 "Cause of 'Sunrise' and 'Sunset'" (page 85)